Real-time decision support reducing stress & uncertainty, leading to better decisions and outcomes.

Introducing KnowHowHere

KnowHowHere is a decision support platform for field personnel working in dangerous, remote and arduous environments. It's a mobile application that knows where your people are, their role, competencies and what equipment they are near and provides the precise guidance they need to be safe and effective.

In high pressure situations uncertainty and incomplete information can lead to decision delays and errors which can lead to adverse outcomes that may even be fatal. KnowHowHere empowers your people by ensuring they have the right process guidance at the right time, increasing the speed and quality of decision-making.


What is KnowHowHere?

KnowHowHere is a decision support platform for field personnel working in dangerous and remote environments. Our app knows where your people are, what their role is and provides the precise guidance they need to be safe and effective.

In high-pressure situations, uncertainty and incomplete information can lead to potentially fatal delays and errors in decision-making. KnowHowHere empowers your people with the right process guidance when they need it.


What's different about KnowHowHere?

KnowHowHere knows where your people are and delivers the alerts, guidance and other location-specific informa­tion they need to perform their duties safely in the field.

The app combines situation reports, hazard observations and other critical information gathered from the field, including photos and telemetry from nearby sensors.

The information is automatically routed back to base so your Incident Management Teams know exactly what is going on in the field.


How does KnowHowHere work when the network goes down?

A key challenge during any emergency is how to stay in touch with teams in the field when they are out of range or the communication networks have failed. KnowHowHere has multiple layers of support for this situation.

Even with no network, the GPS and Bluetooth continue to function.

KnowHowHere pre-emptively caches and synchronises all the information a person might need whenever they pass through an area of wifi or cellular connectivity. This ensures that regardless of your network coverage the latest information possible is always at your fingertips.

For areas with no connectivity, the KnowHowHere vehicle-mounted edge server can maintain a live connection between the local commander and the team in the field.


Are my people safe?

In any emergency, safety is the number one concern for every manager.

KnowHowHere ensures you know where your people are, know they are safe and know they have the latest information to manage the incident or evacuate the area safely.

Wherever your workers are

KnowHowHere has you covered

Emergency Response-Hero

Emergency Response

Facilities Management-Hero

Facilities Management

Site Access-Hero

Site Access

Process Guidance-Hero

Process Guidance



Check out the frequently asked questions.

What devices do you support?

KnowHowHere runs on any recent Apple or Android smart phone or tablet. The app is free to download from the relevant device store.

I contract for multiple organisations, so do I need multiple Apps?

No. Each organisation will provide you with a personalised access code that will grant you access to all the information you need for that particular organisation.

Can KnowHowHere integrate with our existing HR & safety systems?

Yes, KnowHowHere is designed to interface seamlessly and securely with your organisation’s existing systems.

The KnowHowHere team have extensive experience with LMS, ERP and safety systems integration in some of Australia’s largest companies.

How is our operational information secured? Can it be accessed by anyone with the App?

Firstly, operational information is only available to a worker who has a current access code for your organisation.

Secondly, access codes limit the scope of the information such that only information relevant to a specific individual is transferred to the device.

Thirdly, the content is only available when the user is physically on one of your company’s worksites.

How do you protect my privacy?

First and foremost, the KnowHowHere app only accesses your location when you are on a KnowHowHere-enabled worksite. Whenever you are off-site the app is completely disabled. 

When you enter a worksite, the app has three modes of operation. The first mode (the default) is called Invisible Mode. In this mode, the phone or tablet uses its location to present information to the user but no location data leaves the device, so workers are completely invisible.

If the threat level or danger in your workplace increases to a point where it is important to know the location of people on site, the app can be instructed to enter Anonymous Mode. In this mode, the app periodically sends the device’s location but no identifying information – so managers can see where people are, but not who they are.

Finally, if a worker feels they are unsafe or if there is a critical incident on a worksite with a significant risk to people’s safety, the app can also be instructed to enter Identified Mode – so managers can see where people are and who they are.

Importantly the app continuously informs you about what mode it’s in, so you can always see at a glance when location services are enabled and what mode the app is operating in.

Will it flatten my battery quickly like a turn-by-turn navigation App?

Like any app that uses GPS or Bluetooth, there will be some impact on battery performance.

We have put considerable effort into minimising battery usage so that when you are at work the app only uses about 2% of a healthy battery per hour.

When you aren’t at work the app has virtually no impact on battery use.
